Here’s How Castle Clash is Celebrating its Tenth Anniversary

My, how time flies. Castle Clash has been around for ten years now, and is celebrating with a series of in-game and real world events. The ...

My, how time flies. Castle Clash has been around for ten years now, and is celebrating with a series of in-game and real world events.

The first of these actually kicked off back in June, when the team pulled together the Top 20 guilds and Top 30 players from the World Vine Event.

This saw Castle Clash beamed onto LED screens across Las Vegas, Ho Chi Minh City, Hamburg and other major global cities in July.

Moving forward Castle Clash has specially prepared a bunch of anniversary exclusive events. You can find out the full details on their 10th Anniversary event website. But we can give you a little tease of what’s going on right here.

In Castle Era, players will revisit major milestones in the game’s history and review their own personal achievement over the past year.

Welfare Overview will do as its name suggests, showcase neat content such as sneak peeks of upcoming game updates.

Anniversary Celebration is a sweet and easy event where players could simply light up the cake or send a blessing to Castle Clash to get rewards.

Anniversary Grand Draw, the most exciting event, will see entrants winning real-life prizes, including the iPhone 14 Pro and the latest iPad.

What About In-Game Events?

There are plenty of those! The most exciting is the Veteran Treasure Hunt, which is exclusively for returning players, and sees you completing quests to earn rewards. An Amazon gift card is up for grabs in this one.

You can also celebrate the anniversary with a brand new hero and grab limited-edition decorations from the store or via events. These are limited, so make sure to get them before they vanish for good!

There’s also an exciting boss event that provides a heck of a challenge. See if you can defeat it for even more rewards.

What’s Castle Clash?

For those that haven’t played it yet, Castle Clash is a long-running mobile game that combines elements of base builders, tower defense, and RTS games.

You start by building a base, laying it out in your style and upgrading the buildings, before recruiting your own army of heroes to defend it.

Then you take this army into game modes, including Torch Battle, Fortress Feud, Guild Wars, and Narcia: War Era, levelling them up and equipping them with more powerful gear.

As you progress, you can unlock pets to join you on your adventure, as well as hero and building skins that differentiate you from the competition.

Is Anything Planned For the Future?

Yes! Once the tenth anniversary celebrations are out of the way, Castle Clash will host a collaboration with DreamWorks Animation Kung Fu Panda. We don’t know when it will drop, but expect it in the second half of 2023. You can follow the official Facebook to find out more.

If you’d like to check out Castle Clash, head on over to the App Store or Google Play to grab it right now.

The post Here’s How Castle Clash is Celebrating its Tenth Anniversary appeared first on Droid Gamers.



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Here’s How Castle Clash is Celebrating its Tenth Anniversary
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