Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow has launched an entire day early on Android. It’s about time we got some love over iOS, isn’t it? Worlds of ...
Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow has launched an entire day early on Android. It’s about time we got some love over iOS, isn’t it?
Worlds of Tomorrow is a bit of a mish mash of genres. You’ll build your own version of New New York then set off on intergalactic adventures with your favourite characters from the show.
These adventures involve exploring new planets and galaxies, blasting away enemies. TinyCo clearly took inspiration from 16 bit RPGs for the turn based battles on offer here.
Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow is out now on Android
You’ll have control over the direction of the story as well, which the original creators wrote for Worlds of Tomorrow. That includes new dialogue as well, which is just as funny as you remember.
To celebrate the launch, TinyCo worked with the original creators on several new animated shorts. You can watch the first of these above, with more set to follow.
So what are you waiting for? If you’re a fan of Futurama, you really have no excuse to grab Worlds of Tomorrow on Google Play right now.
The post Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow is out now on Android appeared first on Droid Gamers.